I'm Richard Lane, delevoper, inspired by design, marketing, and the endless possiblities using code to shape the internet. I started my passion back in college at Montana State University when I was studying Graphic Design. After graduation, I started my career with Yellowstone Harley in Bozeman, Montana where I managed the branch website and gained an audience of individuals looking for custom and commercial motorcycles. I love my kids, girlfriend, and hockey. I am currently accepting work related to web developemnt.
Studied all aspects of design and branding. This is where I found web development. I pride myself in being a well rounded developer because of attending design school and understanding the process. My goal has always been to be able to contribute and see a project from design through development untill launch.
I am currently attending Denver University's Full Stack web development bootcamp. In this 6 month long course we are coving everything from the newest html5 and css3 frameworks to more advanced topics like react.js, node.js, database systems, and more. Taking this class has pushed my knowledge and skill levels further than I had previously learned on my own.